Javascript was definitely one of the top coding languages on my list to learn. This class has provided me the opportunity to learn and experience Javascript in a efficient manner. My expectations of Javascript were mostly met. It was easier than I anticipated and also more fun to learn as well. In terms of simplicity of learning Javascript so far, I would compare it to Python. It makes creating functions, declaring variables, etc so much easier than some other languages such as C++.
I wouldn’t say I am a complete novice to Javascript as I did take an online learning course for Javascript during the Winter break before the semester. When I first attempted to learn Javascript, I was expecting something more on the diffcult side such as Java. Later as I progressed through some tutorials, my view of Javascript was turned completely 180 degrees. Most of the in class online tutorials I had already experienced in my other online tutorial but going over the topics and properties were a great review for me. The one thing that surprised me the most and also the one thing that I enjoy about Javascript so far is that creating objects is easier than in C++, which is a great plus for me.
In my opinion, Javascript is a great language for Software Engineers to learn. Web development and web applications are becoming more popular by the day. In fact, I don’t think I would be able to write this essay and share it if it wasn’t for Javascript. I’d say that the only restriction to Javascript is that it is mostly used for web development and web browsers so unless the project that you are making is designed to be on the web, it will be a little more difficult and require more coding knowledge.
The athletic software engineering and the WODs are definitely a good way to learn and experience Javascript and new things in general. It can definitely be stressful at times but it shows that it is sinking into your brain so that it can produce the results to show that you learned something new and useful. In my person opinion, the WODs are definitely helping me learn even though I may not finish or made a mistake because even failures contribute to learning in some way or fashion.